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by Ngo Van Long, McGill University, Canada
The ideas underlying differential game arose from Isaacs' Rand Paper P 257, in
1951, inspired by von Neumann at Rand. Subsequently, the focus tur ns pragmatic,
and main applications come from understandably economics , the discipline
about interactive decision-making with foresight. Befittingly, as differential
game approaches its 60th anniversary, this volume appears as the best possible
introduction for the interested readers. Professor Long, a top economist with
wide ranging contributions, has covered the topic with clarity, eloquence,
thoroughness and impeccable rigor. Henry Y Wan, Jr., Profess or of Economics,
Cornell University
This book provides readers with a comprehensive survey of models of dynamic games in economics, including an extensive coverage of numerous fields of applications. It will also discuss and explain main concepts and techniques used in dynamic games, and inform readers of its major developments while equipping them with tools and ideas that will aid in the formulation of solutions for problems. Click here for a promotion flyer and the discount coupon.
Readership: Graduate students in economics, and academic economists, who are interested in applications of game theory to diverse fields of economics (such as development economics, resource and environmental economics, industrial organization).
292pp, Sep 2010
978-981-4293-03-7 US$99 £68
978-981-4293-04-4 (ebook) US$129
Order information: (Order by March 30, 2011 and you will receive a 20% discount. Enter discount code: STEBA2010)
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This page was last modified on 02/11/2010. Comments are most welcome and can be sent to Kar-yiu Wong.